I'm Bal Eum Hong.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

"The Town of Falanor" (medieval town)

I am a historian who is writing about my town 50 years after it was chartered by Lord Shmekel Falanor and his wife Maomi Falamor. The town was founded in the year 1506 and had its first Town Charter in September 9, 1507. Lord Shmekel was a brave, honest, and trustworthy man and his wife Maomi was an honerable and dependant woman who helped him founding this town which I live in. This town was named after the Lord himself.
At first, the town was low in population but after there first charter, more people start to move there. That was the start of the growth of Falanor. The town's walls started to expand more and more every year because many people went there. The town had good trade routes and good soil for farming. Thet had parades and fiestas every two months to welcome newcomers to their town. At there first Town Charter, they had a ceremony at Town Square and everyone in the town came to celebrate. Bakers, craftmen, carpenters, guilds, townsmen, and smiths were there too. They had lots of food and drinks for the people. The Lord gave a speech to the people and their first charter to the people. Giving them rights and privileges. More people came along because of the freedom of feudal duties amd memorial payments.
After 50 years of Town Charter, Falanor started to build schools, gas stations, fire stations, restuarants, markets and even more for the people. The privileges grew and responsibitity increased. This is the Town of Falanor.


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